Midnah, King Link, Skull, Kitty, etc. The ones in the court plus Rose are the ones most likely to answer questions.
King Link
12/16/2011 02:33:24 am

YaY! We all kind of basically get to comment on this one... Us Asbellans~!

12/16/2011 02:36:45 am

Hellooo! This will be so much faster than the dropbox thing

12/16/2011 02:38:57 am

Hello to you , too, Kitty! Now, about that transaction with Terra...

King Link
12/16/2011 02:40:26 am

We shall discuss this at lunch in a few minutes.

It is the 25th day of 15th month of the 1st year.

12/16/2011 10:43:16 am

I am thinking about making a website about myself. I don't really think that it would be too narcisistic. I probably will make the website.

By the way Paramour, on the subject of your pay, Asbel doesn't celebrate Christmas so you will have to work full time and recieve normal pay until the end of the 17th month. During the 18th month you can either vacation without pay or work full time for time and 1/8. Not very good overtime but it will be overtime because you will be working during the holiday (New Year) season.

King Link
12/17/2011 03:11:34 am

Welll that's fun~! The Fleud is your business; I'll let you handle it in whatever way you feel it should be.

By the way, we don't have Christmas because:
1. I hate Christmas songs
2. We have no Christians (really) in Asbel
3. Santa is creepy

12/17/2011 03:21:56 am

Well, I won't argue about the "Santa is creepy" comment. What sort of old man watches children while they sleep? That just gives me nightmares.

But, Christmas is one of the most grand holidays in Kalos. In fact, we're putting ornaments on the Great Tree currently.

Also, have you seen the Kalos section? I've been working quite hard on it. :3

King Link
12/17/2011 08:03:47 am

Yes I have, and I think you are doing quite a good job on it. People in Asbel do have some kind of religion. You can look at the page titled "The Gods of Asbel." I got them all from the "Phantom of The Opera." fun huh? :)

12/17/2011 10:47:51 pm

Interesting, I suppose. The 12% that worshio the Tamrielic Gods worship the Nine Divines. These are all the gods from the Elder Scrolls' world, Tamriel. We also get our time system from there. I've just never liked their gods, though. ._.

Plus, Christians have Christmas. :3 You'd not believe how pretty the Great Tree is with lights.

12/18/2011 09:06:32 am

Pretty lights? Are they colorful? Oh! Sorry. Skull is in the process of making website but I am scared of publishing. "What kind of sick person would publish such a thing" is what I'm worried about. Some people can't take a joke so I think I will allow everyone editting access so they can view it without me publishing it.

King Link
12/18/2011 09:47:00 am

Sounds cool.


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