This is to all visitors:
Don't be afraid to post a comment on our site! We would honest-to-goodness apreciate your feedback on our site! We are getting visitors every day, and I want to know what you think about the site!
Hey! This is Midnah again! Recently, we found a new world (though I'm not sure how we missed it), the ruler of which is a King Terra. This king is actually a boy, and is also known as King Nathan. We hope to be making transactions with him in the future!
I, Minatu-chan, and the rest of the royal court, because I am also King Link, were in Civics class a few days ago. Our teacher made an example of pardoning a serial killer, using Midnah as her killer. She said that Midnah killed Rose, Skull, and  myself all in one fatal blow, and got pardoned by the "president." Then she went and killed Kitty. She some how managed to finally get all of the Asbel court out of the way, so she could rule Asbel. Luckily for her that was all an example. lols.
Today in school, Rose and I (Minatu-chan) were pulled out of class in fifth period to go set up for our science presentations. Rose and I set our stuff up, then recieved Fanta to drink. The two of us thouroughly enjoyed that~!
Hey! This is Midnah again! Today in the lab, we were experimenting with spaghetti, and I picked up one of the noodles we were given and turned to Minatu, and said: "Now (Minatu), this is what you do. You take a noodle, you see, and you use it as pointer to make rude and snide comments about people..." She burst out laughing. I had to repeat it for "Sam-chan" and "Gloria", but they eventually got it.
Hey, this is Midnah, the editor for this site! I will please ask that while commenting, you don't use your real name, or rather, a nickname. We don't want any stalkers on this site! 
Well Let's hope you're not concerned... I would like for you to help me improve my site, and review and comment on all my stories!!!! There's no reason for you not to, it's very much appreciated, and you can make yourself "anon" if you want! :D