Well Let's hope you're not concerned... I would like for you to help me improve my site, and review and comment on all my stories!!!! There's no reason for you not to, it's very much appreciated, and you can make yourself "anon" if you want! :D
9/23/2011 03:11:44 am

I love your website and your stories. I can't wait to hear more about Asbel!

9/27/2011 03:33:22 am

I absolutely LOVE your website!! And your stories drive me insain with curiosity!!! So now that they are online......... YOU HAVE TO FINISH THEM!!!!!!!

9/30/2011 11:02:21 am

Hey! just wanted to check up on ya, make sure you're doing okay! Hmmm, I wonder how many views you've had? Well, hopefully a lot!

10/7/2011 03:22:22 am

Hi! I love you! Kay bye!

11/15/2011 06:05:33 am

You guys are all crazy...


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